Uniformed Security Services

HUB’s Uniformed Security Division is comprised of experienced and extensively trained officers. Our training program provides officers with the skills and tools needed to perform his / her duties with confidence and efficiency. HUB maintains a state board approved training academy located at our corporate campus. Certified training instructors are employees of HUB and are responsible for providing all classroom training, in-service training, as well as firearms training and qualifications.

HUB offers both armed and unarmed officers based on the needs of the customer. Multiple field supervisors manage each shift and are responsible for conducting frequent random inspections of all client facilities and assigned security officers to ensure that the officers are in complete uniform and are performing their duties as requested by the client. The field supervisors provide emergency coverage in the event that an officer is unable to report to their assignment.

HUB utilizes an electronic time verification system at each client location to assist supervisors and management teams with tracking and verifying the security officer’s activities during their respective shifts. Reports from this system are made available to the client. HUB has implemented an automated quality assurance program, which includes a caller ID function. Officers are required to telephone into the system hourly to verify that they are on post. If an officer fails to call in hourly or telephones in from an unauthorized telephone number the system automatically notifies the on duty field supervisor at which time the supervisor responds to the client location to investigate the matter.